Don't share your big dreams with small-minded people
He’d been wrestling with relationship issues for years. The man had a solid professional network, close friends, even family who adored him, yet his romantic relationships always seemed to hit the same wall. Despite his best efforts, every relationship left him feeling like he was speaking a different language than his partner, and he couldn’t figure out why. Then one day, he stumbled across Alan Stevens’ program designed to teach people how to truly understand each other. It wasn’t just the typical advice on “communication”, but an in-depth system focused on reading personalities, body language, and subtle emotional cues. Here thought this was the answer he’d been looking for.

The idea clicked with him immediately. He knew that understanding the nuances of others’ personalities could be transformative, especially when his track record was full of misunderstandings. Excited, he mentioned the program to his friends over dinner, expecting support, or at the very least, interest.
Instead, he got polite scepticism and a lot of raised eyebrows.
“Honestly, you don’t need some magic formula to figure out relationships,” one friend said. “It sounds like a bit of a scam.”
Another friend chimed in, “You’ve just got to meet the right person, that’s all. No need to overcomplicate it.”
Even his sister seemed doubtful, offering a well-meaning, “Just be yourself. You don’t need to pay someone to teach you how to do that.”
Gradually, his excitement drained. If his closest friends and family couldn’t see the value, maybe he was overthinking it. He left the idea behind and decided to try it their way, hoping that his relationships would eventually improve on their own.
But months passed, and nothing changed. Each new relationship followed the same pattern, and despite his best efforts, he found himself hitting the same dead ends, the same misunderstandings and frustrations. Then, one night, he found himself on the program’s website again. This time, a testimonial caught his eye. Someone who described an experience so similar to his own it was uncanny. They spoke about how learning to truly read others had transformed their relationships, letting them connect on a deeper, genuine level.
For a moment, he regretted letting other people’s opinions get in the way. He’d ignored his instincts, silencing his own desire for change just because others couldn’t see what he could.
So, without mentioning it to anyone, he signed up for the program. At first it was a challenge confronting his own blind spots and learning to look at others through an entirely new lens. But as he dove in, he began to see where he’d gone wrong. He now understood why his relationships had felt like constant battles. Learning to pick up on personality traits, the subtle signals of body language and facial expressions, to hear the emotions behind the words, gave him a clarity he’d never experienced before.
Soon, he found himself in a new relationship, but this time, it was different. Those small miscommunications that once led to resentment or confusion were replaced by genuine understanding. He could anticipate his partner’s needs, understand her reactions, and respond in ways that deepened their connection rather than driving a wedge between them.
Looking back, he realised how much time he’d wasted listening to people who didn’t understand what he was struggling with, people who hadn’t walked his path. He knew now that he should’ve trusted his own instincts.
The morale of his story is … Don’t share your big dreams with small-minded people. Do your own research and due diligence and never ask anyone who thinks they know more than you, but who actually know far less. So always do your own research and keep your own counsel.
If you resonate with this story, if you’ve been stuck in patterns of miscommunication, feeling like there’s a wall between you and the connections you’re trying to build—then it’s time for a different approach. You don’t have to keep struggling on your own, guessing at what’s missing.
Schedule a conversation with Alan Stevens. Alan’s expertise in reading people at a deeper level can give you the insights you need to break through those barriers, transforming your relationships both personally and professionally. Take that first step towards real understanding and meaningful connection. Reach out today and discover how learning to read people can change everything.